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Reviews Trends Social Networking

Reviews, Trends and Social Networking - Scaling a B2C the software company’s Online Community

The software company developed B2C products in the productivity software sector and was struggling to build a strong and engaged community on social media. They turned to Social Media Marketz, a social media marketing service that specializes in community building, for a variety of industries through exceptional research backed by platform based strategy for development. With the help of Social Media Marketz, the software company was able to overcome their challenges and achieve success in building a strong online community.

Community building

  • On Twitter, Social Media Marketz helped the software company create a content calendar that included a mix of educational content, industry news, and promotional offers. They also ran weekly Twitter chats and promoted these chats through Twitter ads. As a result, the software company saw a 23% increase in Twitter followers within the first 3 months.
  • On Facebook, Social Media Marketz helped the software company create a Facebook group for their community. This group provided a place for users to ask questions, share tips and resources, and engage with the software company's team. Social Media Marketz also ran Facebook ads targeting the software company's target audience, which helped bring in new members to the group. As a result, the software company saw a 31% increase in Facebook group members within the first 6 months
  • On LinkedIn, Social Media Marketz helped the software company create a LinkedIn page and post regular updates, including educational content and industry news. They also ran LinkedIn ads targeting professionals in the productivity sector, which helped increase the software company's LinkedIn followers by 22% within the first 6 months.

Overall, these efforts helped the software company build a strong and engaged community on social media, which in turn helped drive sales and improve their reputation in the industry.

What was our reasoning behind it:

  • Connecting with their audience: By building a community on social media, the company is able to connect with their audience in a more personal and meaningful way. This can help them build relationships with their customers, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and sales.
  • Increasing brand awareness: A strong and engaged community on social media can help the company increase brand awareness and reach new audiences. When members of the community share the software company's content or engage with their posts, it helps expose the company to a wider audience.
  • Gathering customer feedback: A community on social media can also provide a valuable source of customer feedback. By engaging with their community and asking for feedback, the software company can learn more about what their customers like and dislike, and use this information to improve their products and services.
  • Improving customer support: A community on social media can also help the company improve their customer support. By providing a place for customers to ask questions and get help, the software company can resolve customer issues more efficiently and improve their overall customer experience.

Trustworthiness management

Maintaining trust with their audience was also a top priority for the client. They wanted to ensure that their online reputation remained positive and that their customers were satisfied with their products and services.

Social Media Marketz helped the software company manage their online reputation by responding promptly to customer inquiries and complaints, monitoring social media mentions, and sharing customer reviews. They also provided guidance on how to handle negative feedback and resolve customer issues effectively.

  • Responding promptly to customer inquiries and complaints: We set up a system to monitor the software company's social media accounts for customer inquiries and complaints. They responded promptly to these inquiries and complaints, providing helpful and informative responses. This helped the client show their customers that they valued their feedback and were committed to providing excellent customer service.
  • Monitoring social media mentions: Social Media Marketz also monitored social media for mentions of the software company and its products. If they saw any negative mentions or reviews, they worked with the software company to address the issue and resolve it to the customer's satisfaction. This helped them maintain a positive reputation on social media.
  • Sharing customer reviews: Social Media Marketz helped the software company collect and share customer reviews on their social media accounts. This provided potential customers with valuable insights into the software company's products and services and helped build trust in the company.
  • Providing guidance on handling negative feedback: In the event that the client received negative feedback, Social Media Marketz provided guidance on how to handle it effectively. We recommended responding promptly, being sincere and apologetic, and offering a solution to the issue. This helped the company turn negative experiences into opportunities to improve and maintain their reputation.

To help us manage our online reputation, Social Media Marketz provided very resourceful tactics. I especially liked the system to monitor our social media accounts for customer inquiries and complaints to enable prompt responses to these inquiries and complaints, providing helpful and informative responses. Thanks to these efforts, we saw a 25% increase in customer satisfaction and a decrease in negative online reviews. We were able to maintain our reputation as a trustworthy and reliable software company in the productivity software sector.
~ Senior PR Manager, Customer Service Department

Free knowledge sharing

In the productivity software sector, sharing free knowledge and resources is key to building trust and establishing oneself as a thought leader in the industry. Our client recognized the importance of this and wanted to provide their audience with valuable resources that would help them succeed. Social Media Marketz helped the company create and share a variety of free resources, including guides, tutorials, and webinars. These resources covered a wide range of topics related to productivity software and were well-received by the company's audience.

To share free knowledge and resources with their audience, the software company worked with Social Media Marketz to develop a variety of content. This included creating detailed guides on using their productivity software, producing instructional videos and tutorials, and hosting webinars on various topics related to productivity software.

Social Media Marketz helped the company promote these resources through social media and email marketing campaigns. They also ran targeted ads on LinkedIn, which helped drive traffic to the company's website and increase visibility.

As a result of these efforts, the client saw a 59% increase in website traffic within the first year. They also saw a 38% increase in sales, as more people learned about the company and its products through their free resources.

In addition to driving sales, these free resources helped the software company establish themselves as a go-to resource for productivity software. They became known as a thought leader in the industry, which helped build trust with their audience and further solidify their reputation as a reliable and trustworthy software company.


The software company was able to overcome their challenges and achieve success on social media thanks to the help of Social Media Marketz. By focusing on community building, trustworthiness management, and free knowledge sharing, they were able to connect with their audience, maintain a positive reputation, and establish themselves as a thought leader in the productivity sector. Other companies in the software sector can learn from the software company's success and consider using Social Media Marketz's services to achieve similar results.

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