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Enhancing Brand Awareness and Generating Leads with Social Media Marketing: A Case Study on iThenticate

iThenticate is a plagiarism detection software that helps educational institutions, publishers, and businesses ensure the originality of their content. Social Media Marketz was hired to help iThenticate create an effective social media presence that would help them reach their target audience.

Aim of the campaign

iThenticate wanted to spread awareness about the significance of plagiarism removal from academic documents through its social media platform. Hence, we aim to:

  • Update users about plagiarised content.
  • Build brand name across different demographic regions.
  • Increase web traffic and generate hot leads.
  • Use various social media platforms to engage prospects and members of the research community.

Social Media Marketz created a comprehensive social media strategy for iThenticate that included creating accounts across multiple channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. They developed unique content for each of these channels tailored to the interests of their target audience. This content included informative blog posts about the importance of plagiarism detection, infographics on how to detect plagiarism in various forms of writing, and videos highlighting how iThenticate can help organizations protect their content. Social Media Marketz also set up automated postings to ensure that iThenticate stayed active on all platforms throughout the duration of the campaign.

In addition to organic posts, Social Media Marketz mobilized paid campaigns across multiple social media platforms targeting users who had expressed an interest in topics related to plagiarism detection or digital copyright protection. These campaigns helped iThenticate reach more potential customers while also increasing brand awareness among their target audience.

Social Media Marketz also worked with iThenticate to create an email marketing campaign targeting existing customers with updates on new features and offers related to their product offerings. They developed a series of emails with engaging visuals and copywriting designed to capture the attention of readers and encourage them to purchase additional products from iThenticate.

To further boost iThenticate’s online presence, Social Media Marketz created a comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for them that focused on creating high-quality content optimized for search engines such as Google and Bing. This involved researching relevant keywords related to plagiarism detection and using those keywords in blog posts designed specifically for SEO purposes as well as optimizing existing website pages for better visibility in search results pages (SERPs).

Finally, Social Media Marketz provided ongoing support throughout the entirety of the campaign by monitoring analytics data from all platforms they were managing in order to measure results against goals set at the start of the project. They provided insights into which tactics were working best so they could refine their approach over time based on what was delivering results for iThenticate’s business objectives.

Approaches in Detail

Facebook Marketing

To increase iThenticate's presence on Facebook and target the attention of readers, Social Media Marketz engaged in a number of activities. These included regularly updating followers about plagiarism and allegations of non-compliance through posts and discussions on the Facebook platform. We also shared newsletters and blog posts on the iThenticate profile page as well as in relevant groups, in order to provide information about the brand and its mission to users.

In addition, Social Media Marketz organized a "Plagiarism Education Week" campaign in partnership with Turnitin to raise awareness about plagiarism and provide prevention tips to people. As part of this campaign, we created a free registration page that was linked to the campaign page, which allowed us to collect the details of prospective and interested users. The overall goal of these efforts was to present the brand's mission and explain to users how they would benefit from using iThenticate's services.

Building Presence On Twitter

To increase iThenticate's presence on Twitter, Social Media Marketz made the account interactive and engaging by tweeting and retweeting on a daily basis. We also used relevant hashtags, such as #plagiarism, #research, and #fraud, in the tweets to make them easily discoverable to users searching for information about these topics.

In addition, Social Media Marketz created the hashtag #integrity2015 to promote the "Plagiarism Education Week" campaign on Twitter. By using this hashtag, we were able to connect their tweets about the campaign to a larger conversation about plagiarism and academic integrity. By regularly tweeting and retweeting and using relevant hashtags, Social Media Marketz was able to increase iThenticate's presence on Twitter and reach a wider audience.

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